
PETER STAMER (DE/AT) / FRANK WILLENS - On Truth and Lie in an Extra-Moral Sense

Apr 27 2017
Museumsplatz 1
Vienna 1010
Phone: +43 1 581 35 91
Thursday, April 27, 2017
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Posthumous fragments: In some remote corner of the universe that is poured out in countless flickering solar systems, there once was a star on which clever animals invented knowledge. That was the most arrogant and the most untruthful minute in ‘world history’ – yet indeed only a minute. After nature had taken a few breaths, the star froze over and the clever animals had to die.“ (Friedrich Nietzsche, 1873)

In the light of infinity, the limited time a human being spends on this planet appears to be deplorable, even ridiculous. Knowing about the futility of his existence, man tries to comprehend life by means of language which locks him into the cage of concepts though and denies access to the actual life of matter. Searching for knowledge about the world, about truth, about himself, he gets lost in the woodwork of his own thinking. To put it casually: he becomes a blockhead, unable to see what is there. Taking away the foundation of the boards that mean the world to him: this is what it means to live.

"Without Nietzsche there wouldn’t be any contemporary thinking, and thus most likely no contemporary body.’ I jot these words down during a rehearsal in which dancers are busy bouncing off the floor and working out their muscles, keeping their ligaments flexible. This is what Nietzsche is doing. He writes against the gravity of thought and thus trains our mental muscles, he writes against the inertia of our minds and makes them move again. His words do and have matter." (Peter Stamer)

Kunsthistorisches Museum / Neue Burg - The Hunting Plateau, Entrance Heldenplatz
For exact location of the meeting point check the TQW website

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