
More Than Just Words [On the Poetic]

Bruno Munari, Supplemento al dizionario italiano – I Gesti, © Bruno Munari, 1963 – All rights reserved to Maurizio Corraini s.r.l.

Mar 7 2017
Museumsplatz 1
Vienna 1070
Phone: +43 1 521890
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
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The exhibition shines light on what linguist Roman Jakobson described as “the poetic function of language”: the aesthetic dimension of language that reaches beyond its merely communicative function. Poetry is linguistic surplus. It is a language that defies conventional modes of exchange to communicate meaning. The idea of the poetic function acts as a point of departure for the show, exhibiting the ways in which thoughts and ideas may be expressed beyond semantic clarity by presenting photography, film, collages, installations, and performances.

Artists: John Baldessari, Elisabetta Benassi, Nina Canell, Natalie Czech, Michael Dean, Jason Dodge, João Maria Gusmão / Pedro Paiva, Ketty La Rocca, Bruno Munari, Olaf Nicolai, Fernando Ortega, Jenny Perlin, Gerhard Rühm, Olve Sande, Erica Scourti, Michael Snow, Mladen Stilinović, Artur Żmijewski

Curators: Luca Lo Pinto, Vanessa Joan Müller