
Magic Circle

Mar 22 2018
Herrengasse 13
Vienna 1010
Phone: 01 9042111
Thursday, March 22, 2018
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Magic Circle investigates current feminist interest in the figure of the witch within contemporary artistic production.
The exhibition aims to enter into a dialogue with the activist-motivated reception of the witch in the 1970s in order to demonstrate that this current interest is definitely not ahistorical. However, the project focuses on the contemporary relevance of the topic by incorporating technological history, pop culture, knowledge structures, and social mechanisms of exclusion.

Artists: Johanna Braun (AT), Veronika Burger (AT), Veronika Eberhart (AT), Karin Ferrari (IT/AT), Roxanne Jackson (US), Robin J. Kang (US), Ariane Koch (CH) und Sarina Scheidegger (CH), Chantal Küng (CH) und Mara Züst (CH), Katja Lell (RU) und Laura Nitsch (DE/AT), Tabita Rezaire (FR), Linda Stupart (ZA), Suzanne Treister (UK)

Curators: Katharina Brandl and Daniela Brugger

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