

Xaver Gschnitzer "Hyperartefakte" (2016)

Mar 11 2019
Operngasse 36
Vienna 1040
Monday, March 11, 2019
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The linear work process is suspended. The resulting basic ideas in clay, Styrodur, paper, and digital objects imitate their material gesture like, for example, the traces of their production and means of production. Forms are reconstructed, cast, photographed, and scanned in 3D. Things become exaggerated, idealised, reinterpreted. Thoughts arise about the world between clay and source codes, its search for a more authentic hyper-nature, and the position of the artist between DIY and machine management. In the nonstrigent cycle of imitation and depiction the before and after inscribed in their material are modified or digitally transformed.

Xaver Gschnitzer (South Tyrol) is an artist based in Vienna. His installations deal with the imaginary and the illusionary, the relation between media and materials, object and ideas.
He graduated at the department of Transmedial Art, led by Brigitte Kowanz, of the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.

curated by /afk: Martina Menegon, Shahab Nedaei

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