
GenderCrash 11

Apr 8 2017
Karlsplatz 5
Vienna 1010
Phone: +43 1 587 87 74
pre-sale 11,- / door 11,- > 22:00
Saturday, April 8, 2017
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GenderCrash is back! It’s upcycled, updated, up-slimmed and still remains very much GenderCrash in its core. The biggest queer performance party in the heart of the city is back and will once again bring together Viennese and international artists on stage and on the dance floor. Since 2011, the team of GenderCrash has been putting together exciting programmes including performance, concert, drag and party at brut. April 8th of 2017 will see the eleventh issue.

GenderCrash is a showcase of queer-feminist art focussing on a balance between art and danceability in its diverse programme. Again this year, there will be a co-operation with Europe’s largest queer music festival, Yo!Sissy

The party will be hosted by the notorious Denice Bourbon and drag maverick Dutzi Ijsenhower. Dance the night away to the music of a GenderCrash-approved DJ team including (Klub Krass) and Miss Klang (FMqueer, Strom+-) as well as DJ Darky Dark. Visuals are contributed by acclaimed VJ collective Neonrost and VJ Alkis (Kibbutz Klub)! Yeah, let’s crash again … at brut, where else?

The performance programme has yet to be announced.

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