
Sulaïman Majali -did you tell them? [pause]--did i tell them what?--you told them this was fiction?

Mar 22 2017
Währingerstr 59, Stiege 3 / Erdgeschoss
Vienna 1090
Phone: +43 1 401211570
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
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Sulaïman Majali’s new video work is an interrogation of relationships between space, the image and the sculptural object. Departing from a transcript of a conversation that forms part of a wider project of mapping, defining and proposing Arabfuturism(s), the video work questions the location of the diasporic mind. After the proliferation of the image and a quantum scattering of bodies, how do we generate new narratives amongst the ruins of disintegration and collapse?

Isn’t the citizen of nowhere, a citizen of everywhere? In the heterotopia of a phone conversation, the image, the word and the object occupy space at the peripheries of virtuality and actuality.
Coffee?--Remember a thousand images and a poem?--all of this is poetry though,--in some way, yeah[-]i guess, erm,--i guess it could be, [pause] what do we mean by saying that?--you said it was poetry,--it’s irrelevant, it could be a script.--

Sulaïman Majali is an artist and writer based between Glasgow and London.
He is currently Artist in Residence at KEX Studio and was invited in collaboration with Transmission, Glasgow.