
H13 2017: Anna Vasof Anachronism

Sep 8 2017
Herrengasse 13
Vienna 1010
Phone: 01 9042111
Friday, September 8, 2017
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The winner of the H13 Niederoesterreich Prize for Performance has been fixed: Anna Vasof.
With her performance "Anachronism - A Downgrade Action", she convinced the jury, who praised the "conciseness, with which Anna Vasof has an extended concept of performance and who can use the media as a fellow player".

"... my artistic position is not, clean" "(Anna Vasof)

Anna Vasof moves with her artistic work in between: her video art describes her as an "expanded cinema", her performances are related to objects, the performative act connects her with animation.

Anna Vasof writes: "In the last few years, we are increasingly surrounded by anachronistic ideas, which we must face: nationalism, racism, anti-feminism, conservatism, theocracy ..." People become increasingly intolerant, while on the other hand, the development of technology is advancing. Technical devices are becoming "smarter", but the hopes of an open society have not been realized. The performance "Anachronism" includes the literal meaning of "Ana-Chronism" - the act against the advance of time.

On the evening of the H13 prize, Anna Vasof will present the prize-winning performance as well as other related works, which will involve and activate the visitors.