
Glitoris, Vulvarines, and others by Amina L.

Mz. Baltazars Laboratory
Jun 23 2017
Wallensteinstrasse 38
Vienna 1200
Friday, June 23, 2017
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The exhibition explores activism and cunt art by bringing to life giant vulvas and sculptures composed of 3D printed realistic clitoris. Amina uses humour, hyperbole, and medical knowledge to continue or initiate the conversation on which types of bodies are allowed to be seen or talked about. They do so by focusing on parts of the vulvarine anatomy strictly relegated to the production of pleasure (for the vulvarine themselves) and further use humour to re-name or re-claim moralistic or anatomical terminology related to those bodies and body parts. They also tackle sex education (cliteracy) using art as a vehicle to inform, engage, and involve vulvarines and all others.

Amina L. is currently studying time-based and interactive media with a focus on media theory at the university of arts and industrial design in Linz. Having a background as videographer, they are working within but also outside the audiovisual. They strongly believe in radical queer feminism and consider themselves an activist and educator. Their political affections are clearly shown in their works. For their installations they primarily use digital formats of moving pictures as well as interactive interfaces. Focused on the question how art can impact society they try to create spaces in which people can reflect on how they are orientated in society.