

Oct 4 2018 to Nov 24 2018
Herrengasse 13
Vienna 1010
Tuesday - Friday:
Thursday, October 4, 2018 to Saturday, November 24, 2018
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In a close collaboration with the Department of Digital Arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna the exhibition investigates concepts of escapism and immersion in the context of virtual and augmented reality. It poses the question: To what extent can art renegotiate the divide between the physical and digital “I” beyond the commercial interests of Google & co.?
The centrepiece of the exhibition is the so-called Fulldome Lab , a dome-shaped projection space which facilitates a mixed reality environment for a 360-degree experience of image and sound with the simultaneous interaction of multiple recipients. New works are continually being generated in the framework of this main research project of the Department of Digital Arts, hence the exhibition can be viewed as a work-in-progress with the participation of teachers, alumni, and students.

Marian Essl, Elif and Wolfgang Fiel, Thomas Hochwallner, Johannes Hucek, Margarete Jahrmann, Patrick K.-H., Nicolaj Kirisits, Stefan Krische, Martin Kusch/kondition pluriel, Bobby Rajesh Malhotra, Tina Muliar, Patrícia J. Reis, Ruth Schnell, Franz Schubert, The (new) Constellation (Tina Kult with Tímea Strott and Ágnes Várnai, Norbert Unfug, Peter Várnai, Daniela Weiss