
Don't Show Again

Feb 19 2018
Geblergasse 40
Vienna 1170
Monday, February 19, 2018
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Works of the students from the New Media Class | Kunsthochschule Kassel | Prof. Aram Bartholl

Constantly recurring warnings, inquiries or notifications keep us busy with the daily information recording on the screen. Small windows appear on the edge of the monitor, jump into the smartphone taskbar and milky overlays obstruct the view of entire websites.

It's about attention. The user's attention is the highest good on the Internet nowadays. The online advertising industry is in a tangible crisis. Only the big advertising monopolies Google and Facebook can still benefit from advertising revenue, all others go out empty. Many social media networks are saturated, user numbers are stagnating, a general tiredness, sharing and posting is spreading. For too many services, news and friend requests compete with each other. It seems as if the belief in what is presented to us on the screen is dwindling. "That's fake" is the new standard. Just a few headlines with meme style are gaining global attention while important issues are dwindling. On average, we spend up to three hours on the mobile phone display every day and in the end we ask ourselves what we have actually done there.

The students of the class New Media of the Kunsthochschule Kassel deal in a variety of ways with all these questions about attention, identity and media usage. In what way do images and topics in the internet arise and spread? What role does the screen play as a limit and how will automation continue to change our society? Attracting attention to the post-digital regime requires new ideas and concepts. The technology-centered efficiency logic of Internet platforms will not deliver these.

Participating students: Nicole Brauer, İpek Burçak, Echo Canluo, Christopher Casper, Hannes Drescher, Stefan Endres, Robin Höke, Mike Huntemann, Saskia Kaffenberger, Jonas Leichsenring, Naima Omari, Didem Sandıkcı, Mario Strahl