

Apr 25 2017
Museumsplatz 1
Vienna 1010
Phone: +43 1 581 35 91
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
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The first starting point for „one“ are the „one word poems“ by Heinz Gappmayr: his works deal with the invisible, the imaginary world and at the same time convey the structures and conditions to make that world visible.

The materials are: signs, abstract elements such as letters, words, numbers or simple graphic forms like lines and dots.

One word or
one number or
Words, that form a picture or
Pictures from Words or Lines or Signs.

The second starting point: the performers. The components they add to the performance are presence, movement, writing, showing and acting with the materials language and body. They phrase, put themselves between words, put movement and words beside or against each other, they are the link between words and images. Thoughts are visualized and in this way brought to mind in a special way. Images of thoughts arise. How do thoughts look like?

One important sign in Gappmayr’s oevre is the number 1 or one. It plays one important role: one, the one, the one (man), the one (woman), someone...
The explanations for how the different equations, formulas, statements and explanations

arise, are shown on a blackboard. They arise and are dropped again, deleted and revived, they form a chain of transformations and images.

A live-cam takes up those explanations from above and transfers the signal at the same time onto a big screen. This way, the audience can participate in the development of the various thoughts, formulas and calculations. The action becomes an image.

„one“ tries to deal critically with Gappmayr’s work. The performance stays simple, reduced, formulisticly, but also ironically and with the consciousness that Gappmayr’s poems stand close to an aesthetic also known from advertisement.

PERFORMER: Esther Steinkogler, Chris Owen
STAGE DESIGN: Eric Klaering
VIDEO: Adnan Popović
MUSIC / SOUND: Dieter Kovacic
PRODUCTION: Stefanie Reichl

Vienna/Austria based CIE. WILLI DORNER was founded by Willi Dorner in 1999. Besides his international touring dance performances Willi Dorner is keen on creating events that give the audience the opportunity for new experiences, insights and a different perception of every day’s life. His interdisciplinary works are developed in cooperation with artists and scientists of different fields. His work was invited to festivals and venues like Wiener Festwochen, Wien Modern, Musica Strasbourg, Biennale de Danse du Val-de-Marne, Festival de Marseille, FTA - Festival TransAmériques Montreal, Dance Umbrella London, Springdance Utrecht, Tanz im August Berlin, Theater der Welt Essen, Crossing the Lines New York and b:om South Korea.
(c) Lisa Rastl

In the context of FEEDBACK 4th edition
24. APRIL - 27. APRIL