
BLANCHE Nives Widauer

Monitorlove (1989) - Nives Widauer

Nov 21 2018 to Jan 24 2019
Hegelgasse 14
Vienna 1010
Phone: +43 1 236 3775
Tuesday - Friday:
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 to Thursday, January 24, 2019
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For her solo show at das weisse haus, internationally renowned artist Nives Widauer relates the story of a fictitious character named "Blanche", one of the name variations of Nives. She does so by intertwining autobiographical information with cultural references and everyday occurrences such as dreams. The catalyst for Nives Widauer's artistic narration is a letter addressed to an unknown person that the artist stumbled upon at a time when she was occupied with exploring variations of her first name. The video installation El sueño de Blanca I (2018), which radically combines analog and digital properties, draws us into a maze of associations. In it, we trace Blanche's imagined life path along a visual axis that ends with Nives Widauer's early work Monitorlove (1989), which takes us back to her artistic beginnings. Parallel to this, objects and installations, as well as collages and drawings are on display. Materiality and motion, language and image, space and time—these are the parameters that Nives Widauer examines in her choice of media, her modus operandi being: intuitive precision.